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The project co-edits Abierta de par en par. La casa del siglo XVI en el Reino de Granada. Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2022.


The results of the project are published, in which all members participate. It is titled: Díez Jorge, María Elena (ed.) Sentir la casa. Emociones y cultura material en los siglos XV y XVI. Giijón, Trea, 2022.


María Núñez has participated on November 10, 2022 in the conference series La casa sevillana.


María Elena Díez Jorge has participated in I Encuentro Arte y mujeres de la monarquía hispánica en la Edad Moderna, Centro Cultural la Corrala, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, June, 21st, 2022. Her conference is entitled: “Vestir la casa: espacio, objetos y emociones en los siglos XV y XVI”.


María Núñez González participates in III Congreso de la Asociación Iberoamericana de Historia Urbana. Her conference is entitled “La Sevilla de las mujeres: su papel en los arrendamientos y en las casas del siglo XVI”, November 22-25, 2022, Madrid

The project has participated in the documentary "Conflicto y alteridad. De la toma de Toledo a la Batalla de Lepanto"

In this documentary there are a few minutes related to the houses. It has been made by the Network of Excellence "(Re)Pensando el Islam en la Península Ibérica en la Edad Media y Moderna", RED2018-102356, IP: Borja Franco Llopis.

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María Elena Díez Jorge participates in the International Seminar on Crafts and Commerce in al-Andalus (12th-15th centuries). Production and trade in al-Andalus with the paper “Domestic workshops for indoors: furnaces and looms”, Granada, December, 2021.

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The VESCASEM project participates in the VI Seminar on Archeology, Art and Medieval History, Culture and Otherness in the Iberian Peninsula in the Middle and Modern Ages which is held at the National Archaeological Museum on Wednesday, November 10, 2021, Madrid. Participants:

Mª Elena Díez Jorge, “Con un dedal, aguja e hilo: moriscas y cristianas viejas tejiendo una trama común”

Dolores Serrano Niza, “Disfrazados con marlotas/Hemos de entrar en las fiestas. El largo recorrido de una palabra y de la prenda de vestir que la nombra”.

Ana Aranda Bernal,” Consumo de piezas suntuarias nazaríes en la Castilla del XV.La loza dorada de Málaga en la intimidad del aseo”.

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The seminar is in collaboration with the Excellence Network Thinking Islam in the Iberian Peninsula. Studies on art and material culture in the construction of the identity of otherness in the Middle and Modern Ages (2020-2021), Subprogram of Knowledge Generation of the Ministry of Science and Innovation. Reference: RED2018-102356.

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María Elena Díez Jorge was invited to be a keynote speaker at the 1st Annual International Women in Arts Conference (AIWAC), University of Arkansas Rome, under the title “Dal palazzo alla casa: donne e architettura nella Spagna del sedicesimo secolo”. It took place from 20 to 22 October 2021 in Rome (Italy)

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