The project organized the conference "Building the house with words" at the University of La Laguna on October 27 and 28, 2022
Activities undertaken

The project has organized the II Seminario sobre el mundo árabe-islámico: la traducción. October, 6, 2022, Universidad de La laguna

The members of the project have had an Workshop on April 1 and 2, 2022 in Carmen de la Victoria (Granada). We have discussed and debated advances in research.

The project has collaborated in the National Conference “Women's agency. Captains in the Andalusian cultural scene”, 9-11 March 2022, Seville

The project has collaborated in the Seminar "Aurelia Navarro and the artists in the Spanish cultural scene" in which the project reviewed the participation of women in architecture and specifically houses in the 16th century.
The project has organized the First International Congress of Jews and the medieval Christian imaginary, coordinated by Sonia Caballero Escamilla and Miguel Ángel Espinosa Villegas, both members of the project. There were several conferences related to Jewish houses as well as detailing household goods in which Jews lived.
The project was launched in Seville at the First National Scientific Meeting on Gender Research in the Human Sciences , leads by Ana Aranda Bernal, member of this project .